Welcome to my blog! Here, you'll find a range of articles covering the various topic areas of human flourishing science and self-leadership and how to accomplish your goals. The blog articles are written both by myself and a number of expert guest writers. If you would like to contribute, send me your CV and an example of your writing skills to :)
From healthcare to wellcare: Why a proactive approach to mental wellbeing is crucial
How many people are languishing? The prevalence of low mental wellbeing in society
Beyond a passing mood: Why languishing puts you at greater risk of mental illness
From surviving to thriving: The link between mental illness and flourishing
5 Ways to unstuck yourself when you’ve run out of creative juice
How the way you use social media can influence your happiness and mental wellbeing (+5 tips)
What to do when you’re languishing
What languishing feels like
How to stop languishing and living life on autopilot (7 steps)
What does it mean to live life on autopilot? (+ how to break free from autopilot life)