Flourishing & self-leadership coaching
Change can be hard. And, when it comes to flourishing, research shows that while we all strive to be happy, we tend to aim for goals that we THINK will make us happy - when in reality they don't. In fact, this is so common that researchers have assigned a word to it: miswanting. On top of that, studies show that happiness and success aren’t simply a matter of luck. Instead, they take self-awareness, pro-activity and dedicated effort in the right direction.
So, if you're ready to change but don't know what you need or where to start, coaching can be a wonderful tool to help you make sense of yourself, gain clarity about your needs, set goals that are aligned with your values, and create a game plan to get you there - all with the help of a trained professional who will both hold you accountable and be there with you while you're creating a better life for yourself.

How does coaching work?
In its most basic form, coaching is a conversation between a coach and client (the coachee). The coachee will do most of the talking, while the coach is there to provide feedback, paraphrase, listen actively, and ask powerful questions. It is a process in which a coach guides the coachee to gain CLARITY, identify GOALS, ROADBLOCKS and RESOURCES. By creating a SAFE environment that is free from judgement, coaching can be a powerful tool to catalyse efficient and sustainable change.
Throughout a coaching session, and if desired by the coachee, I can also provide PSYCHO-EDUCATION to help my clients gain deeper context understanding as well as why some strategies or practices may work better than others.
I offer coaching in ENGLISH and GERMAN and both in person (if possible) or online.
What I have helped my coaching clients with
I've coached hundreds of clients from many backgrounds from all over the globe. The challenges, desires and goals of my clients are typically as diverse as their histories. Here are some examples of what I've been able to help them with:
Gaining CLARITY about their LIFE DIRECTION and tangible next steps
Understanding why they're unhappy or languishing and what they can do to create POSITIVE CHANGES in their life
Getting on top of the CHAOS in their head and setting clear PRIORITIES for their life goals
Developing deep SELF-KNOWLEDGE, including their CORE VALUES and how they can live their PURPOSE
Creating HEALTHIER lifestyle habits, such as exercising regularly, or eating or sleeping better
Putting an end to MIDLIFE CRISIS: understanding what caused it and how they can constructively move through it
Building more fulfilling RELATIONSHIPS with others by building CONFIDENCE and establishing BOUNDARIES
Breaking the cycle of imposter syndrome and developing a sense of SELF-WORTH and SELF-ESTEEM
Exploring deep desires, breaking FREE from the expectations of others and living a life TRUE TO THEMSELVES
Establishing a realistic pathway to QUIT THE 9-5 and transitioning into working for themselves
Shifting mindsets to gain the freedom of creating their own version of SUCCESS and LIFE WORTH LIVING
Would you like to achieve any of these outcomes? What does a life on YOUR terms look like? Keen to explore?
"Maike has been coaching me for nearly 6 months now. She's helped me become more confident in my new leadership role, which has made a huge difference with my anxiety of not being good enough. But what's even better is that I've been able to understand how I want to live my life altogether and make changes that go far beyond my job or career. She says she helps you create an exciting life and that's exactly what she did for me. Thank you, Maike."
- Lisa, USA -
"I booked a call with Maike after reading her article on languishing. I'd been treated for anxiety and depression for a while but realized that I needed to do something for myself and my mental health other than taking meds. Maike has been coaching me once a month since. She helped me understand what I can do to be happy again and it frankly changed my life."
- Gavin, Singapore -
"Maike gives you that confidence we all need, keeping you grounded and realistic. During coaching sessions, she's super approachable and open to discuss without judgement."
- Diana, Australia -

Why work with me?
This is a very important question. Why? Because the coaching profession is not protected, meaning EVERYONE can call themselves and work as a coach - regardless of whether they've had any training, qualifications or experience. This is also the reason why you will find huge variation in the fees different coaches charge.
I work with individuals 1:1 to support them on their self-leadership journey - no matter how big or small their goal. Together, we create clarity around desired experiences and outcomes, set goals, optimise your motivation and create the best environment for success. These are some of the qualities I offer to provide you with a coaching experience that doesn't just feel good, but works for you longterm:
I'm qualified: I hold a Master's degree in Psychology, meaning I have a fair understanding of how the human mind works. I obtained a doctorate specialising in effective habit building techniques, am a certified coach in Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP) and Acceptance Commitment Training (ACT) and a qualified positive psychology practitioner. I teach the science of flourishing at university and was recently commissioned by Sage Publishing to write the latest encyclopedia entry on self-leadership. I'm one of very few people on this globe to have expert knowledge in both positive psychology and self-leadership.
I work evidence-based: I transfer knowledge and use tools that have been proven to work the best, based on research studies. I personally believe it's not only the most effective way to create change, but also the fastest.
I'm experienced: I've worked with hundreds of clients from all over the globe. My coaching has also formed part of large-scale behaviour change interventions - the effectiveness of which has been published in peer-reviewed articles.
I take client privacy and confidentiality serious: I always ensure privacy during our coaching sessions. I worked by myself in an enclosed office and use headphones. My data systems are secure. And, what you share in a coaching session stays in a coaching session.
I've been there myself: I don't just coach based on theory, but have a few decades of life experience up my own sleeve by now, too. I've lived in a few different countries, am a mother of two, have built a career, and been burnt out, quit my job and become my own boss. I've had my fair share of anxiety and depression, and was at a point where I felt unhappy, unfulfilled and lost. That is not to say that I've overcome all of these challenges - but I've certainly created my version of freedom, success and a happiness and learned to manage the rest.
But you should probably ask my clients what they think: You can read their testimonials across my website, on Google Reviews and on LinkedIn.
Having said all this, what matters even more is actually whether we're a good match: The single most predictor of an enriching and fruitful coaching session is how well we get along and if you feel safe, understood, and relaxed. That's why I encourage all new clients to book a free call, so we can get to know each other first.
3x 60-minute coaching sessions booked at your convenience over the course of 3 months.
This plan is best suited for those new to coaching and who just want to try it out. You'll gain clarity regarding your goal and start taking the first steps towards it - all while being supported.
Coaching Plans
Ask yourself this!
If you've never been coached before and are not sure whether the investment is worth it, I get it! It took me a while to start engaging a coach - I had my first coaching session when I was 29 (and I wish I had it sooner)! I still work with a coach to this day as I find that it helps me get on top of the chaos in my mind, prioritise my goals and actually work towards them. What I ask myself is this:
What will your life look like in 6 months or 1 year if you DON'T take any action?
What could your life look like if you adressed what's bugging you?
Usually, I know the answers to those questions straight away.

What happens when you 'book a call'?
If you click on the 'Book a call' button, you'll get access to my diary and can simply book a 20-minute call whenever it suits you. You will then automatically get an email and calendar invite with the link to our call.
On the day and time of the call, simply click on the link. Once we're both online, I'll say something like "Hey! I'm Maike - so nice to meet you! How's your day been?" And then it flows from there :) I'll ask you what made you book the call and then we chat about what support you might like and what a good next step for you might look like. That's all! What do you think? Wanna try it out?